Bloodsport is always a strange show. The card always looks really strong and exciting, but a lot of the time you leave feeling like you wish you saw those pairings in standard wrestling matches instead. When Bloodsport leans more to the worked side rather than simulating a shoot-style, it usually is more successful. However, this doesn’t seem to be Barnett’s preference and is generally kept to a minimum.
However, there are usually a few gems and standout performances. This year is notable that the video quality is absolutely fantastic (though audio issues persist). Let’s see how this year’s edition stacks up!
Match #1 – Calder McColl vs. Jeff Cobb
A fun little opener that functions as an introduction to the house style for any new viewers to the format. Calder McColl is one of those guys you don’t really see much of outside of Bloodsport, and was basically just a can to get an easy Cobb win.
The grappling looked tight, both guys showed some fire, and Cobb got the victory with some elbow strikes to a downed McColl after a stiff powerbomb (with McColl’s head disgustingly bouncing off the mat).
3 stars – An intro match to showcase the style and build Cobb.
Match #2 – Erik Hammer vs. Calvin Tankman
Tankman is a fantastic worker and I wasn’t sure how well it would translate to a Bloodsport environment.
What he lacks in shoot technique (especially compared to Hammer), he makes up for in throws and sheer size that was hard to Hammer to maneuver around.
However, in only a few minutes Hammer was able to take Tankman off his feet and tap him out to an arm submission.
2.5 stars – Completely fine - too short to take issue with, but also nothing memorable at all.
Match #3 – Killer Kelly vs. Marina Shafir
This is a good example of two workers who are much better in a Bloodsport environment than anything they’ve been able to produce in traditional professional wrestling promotions.
Marina was positioned as having the experience advantage, a dominating onslaught at the start of the match that Kelly had to overcome on the floor to get an opening and a big German Suplex. Marina has more fire in her eyes and purpose behind her movement in this setting.
From there, it was a back-and-forth showcase of holds and strikes until Marina got a big throw and essentially kicked Kelly’s ass for a few minutes before tapping her out to a leg choke.
3.25 stars – A good stylistic showcase.
Match #4 – Kota Ibushi vs. Mike Bailey
It’s been said before, but this is the most Ibushi way to re-debut after 2 years off due to injury and contract disputes following a G1 Final. A no-ropes shoot-style match in America, in which he re-injures his shoulder 24 hours before his return. You couldn’t write this, it would sound too on the nose.
This one started with some great ground defence by Bailey, and he flung Ibushi off of top mount and to the floor. This gave rise to a faster-paced strike exchange with a more pro wrestling flair, which culminated in an insane floor-to-ring deadlift German.
Ibushi shortly thereafter gets the KO win with an arm-trap RegalPlex and a Kamigoye.
This was good, but there is a caveat. If the last match was a good example of the best of Bloodsport, this match demonstrates the inherent frustration - when you get two guys of this calibre together in a ring, it would’ve been MUCH better if it was just a normal wrestling match.
3.5 stars – Short and sweet match with Ibushi looking great in his return. Recommended.
Match #5 - Bad Dude Tito vs. Yuya Uemura
Tito is a longstanding Bloodsport jobber whose recent NJPW tour was a revelation. Uemura is the best-prospect Young Lion that NJPW has had in a good number of years, in terms of potential upside.
This was fun seeing Yuya continue to try and adapt to the environment, giving stiff slap receipts and forgetting that there are no ropes or pins when trying a tope suicida or a German Suplex Hold.
Tito caught Yuya out of nowhere with a grapevined ankle lock for the tap-out victory.
3 stars – Yuya continues to develop as Tito builds up as a heel in the promotion.
Match #6 – Harry Smith vs. JR Kratos
These are two absolute unit heavyweights who, in a normal professional wrestling environment, are about as interesting as watching paint dry.
However, in the Bloodsport environment, these guys really elevate their game up to the level of watching some slightly different coloured paint dry.
This was not very good, overly long without much happening of interest. Even the strikes were notably soft and both guys just looked flat out unathletic and gassed.
Smith gets the win with an arm-trapped crossface and thank god it’s over.
1.75 stars – It’s like watching two elephants trying to walk through a tar pit.
Match #7 - Johnny Bloodsport vs. Royce Isaacs
Johnny [insert last name he chooses for the show at hand] rarely does it for me, but Royce is a solid worker and this had the potential to be greater than the sum of its parts.
This was a bit hit-and-miss. The front half of the match felt a bit too slow and wallpaper. However, I loved the closing sequence of Isaacs hitting a piledriver and dragon sleeper but then getting countered and caught in a front chancery.
A perfectly cromulent Bloodsport style match.
3 stars – A solid showing from two guys you wouldn’t necessarily expect to exceed in this environment.
Match #8 - Jon Moxley vs. Alex Coughlin
I love when a Bloodsport match has two guys that are fired up and look like they legit want to kill each other. Coughlin has been a sneaky great worker across WrestleMania Weekend bookings and deserves his flowers for making this fight feel exciting despite being a last-minute replacement. His power spots are incredible and this guy has a massive upside if he makes it to the NJPW main roster.
Mox, for his credit, sells his butt off and gives Coughlin plenty (including a Death Rider no-sell) in this one without ever sacrificing the Moxley mystique.
Moxley gets the win by choking out Coughlin in a fantastic match.
4 stars – Starmaking showing from Coughlin in a great match. Match of the Night. Recommended.
Match #9 - Josh Barnett vs. Timothy Thatcher
I’m reading a lot of praise for this match, but I just don’t see it. For me, this was emblematic of all the usual criticisms you hear about Thatcher - too slow, too long, No Fun Allowed. Don’t get me wrong - it’s not a bad match by any stretch, but it was a run-of-the-mill showing on a card that had some bright highlights.
The closing sequence was nice, with Barnett powerbombing Thatcher but in doing so giving Thatcher the opening to close the distance and catch him in a series of submissions for the kneebar tap out victory for Thatcher.
3 stars – A decent Bloodsport match that didn’t quite feel like a main event.
AVERAGE RATING: 3 of 5 stars (or 6 of 10)
SUMMARY: This was a good little show that, with the exception of Smith/Kratos, flew past pretty quickly (unlike some of the other WrestleMania Weekend shows). Check out Mox/Coughlin and Ibushi/Bailey.